Kamal Hassan to start Blogging

'ulaga nayakan' Kamalhassan's interest in tamil literature is well known. kamalhassan, actually edited a literary magazine 'mayyam' (மய்யம்) in mid 80' s but had to be discontinued due to patronage or its lack of.

It seems that kamal is planning to revive 'Mayyam' in electronic format. The e magazine will be in the format of a blog. A news item in this regard says,
Sources assisting Kamal Haasan in this endeavour say, Maiyyam would be an online portal (in the form of a blog), with audio and video podcasts and separate columns by Kamal Haasan, talking about his journey in cinema and literature.

In today’s techno-savvy world where most actor and actress in Bollywood have opted to go the twitter/facebook/ blog way for a more personalised relationship with their fans, Kamal Haasan’s attempt to launch the web version of Maiyyam indeed sets him apart and reflects his literary and intellectual mien.

With Kamal Haasan providing the brand equity, Mayyam will dwell on the changing phase of Tamil literature, besides art and cinema.

Sources add that it would chronicle the works of budding writers, giants of the industry, but in a different way.

The actor himself is visiting the houses of scholars and up-and-coming writers for an up-close meeting with them. Recently he had been to the residence of noted writer Ra Ki Rangarajan in Anna Nagar and interacted with him for over a couple of hours.


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