
Are you a movie buff who would like to surf the net for reviews before going to a movie? Do you search and hop desperately websites that gives you the first impression on recent releases? Are you aware, the opinions made by individuals in their blogs, twitter and other social network are more crisp, honest and straightforward than those mainstream media critics who are paid ( some times in both ways) to do the job of reviewing? Have you ever felt the need for reading all the reviews of a particular movie - positive or not - in one place?

If that's the case, well, this is the place for you.

What We do?

  • hunt for good, bad & ugly reviews in blogs, ezines, twitter, forums & other soc-net sites and post them here quickly.
  • never make an opinion on the reviews that are linked here.
  • just give the link ( with a couple of lines as a teaser) and not copy paste the entire post


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